Starting Your First App

This guide shows you how to set up a project. If you are coming from any of the samples, note that (most of) these steps have already been done ahead of time.

Platform Compatibility

We test our SDK against the following platforms:

  • iOS
  • Android

Add an App Backend

If you don't have an account on Kinvey yet, please signup before continuing.

In the Kinvey console, create a new app backend. If you are currently viewing another app backend, click the app's name in the left navigation, and the select "New App" in the menu.

On the app dashboard page, you will find your App Key and App Secret in the top right. You’ll need those to configure your app.

Create a React Native app

You can follow the React Native Getting Started Guide to setup a new app.

Add Kinvey SDK

You can add the Kinvey SDK by installing it with npm.

It is recommended to add the library as npm dependency. Run the command below to install the module and update your apps package.json.

npm i --save kinvey-react-native-sdk

Also, the following additional peer dependencies should be installed as the library uses them internally for:

Data storage on the device:

npm i --save @react-native-async-storage/async-storage

Secure session store of user credentials:

npm i --save react-native-keychain

Login with Mobile Identity Connect:

npm i --save react-native-inappbrowser-reborn

Configure Your App

To use the SDK, you need to initialize it with your App Key and App Secret.

import * as Kinvey from 'kinvey-react-native-sdk';
    appKey: '<appKey>',
    appSecret: '<appSecret>'
var Kinvey = require('kinvey-react-native-sdk');
    appKey: '<appKey>',
    appSecret: '<appSecret>'

The initialization function accepts the following options when initializing the library:

appVersionSet a version for your app that will be sent as the header X-Kinvey-Client-App-Version on every network request.
defaultTimeoutSet the default timeout used for all requests. The value must be in milliseconds. The default value is 60000 ms (1 minute).
storageSelects a storage provider. Possible values: Kinvey.StorageProvider.SQLite (default), Kinvey.StorageProvider.Memory.

Customers with dedicated Kinvey instances and Progress Health Cloud customers need to set instanceId to the ID of their dedicated Kinvey instance to correctly setup the backend and Mobile Identity Connect API URLs for the library.

You can find your Instance ID on the dashboard of the Kinvey Console, next to your App Key and App Secret.

import * as Kinvey from 'kinvey-react-native-sdk';
    appKey: '<appKey>',
    appSecret: '<appSecret>',
    instanceId: '<instanceId>'
var Kinvey = require('kinvey-react-native-sdk');
    appKey: '<appKey>',
    appSecret: '<appSecret>',
    instanceId: '<instanceId>'

Example of an instanceId would be:

instanceId: 'kvy-us2'

Never use the Master Secret in client-side code.

Verify Set Up

Your app is now connected to Kinvey. The ping method, as shown below, will contact the backend and verify that the SDK can communicate with your app.
    .then((response) => {
            `Kinvey Ping Success. Kinvey Service is alive,
            version: ${response.version}, response: ${response.kinvey}`);
    .catch((error) => {
        console.log(`Kinvey Ping Failed. Response: ${error.description}`);
    .then(function(response) {
            'Kinvey Ping Success. Kinvey Service is alive, version: '
            + response.version + ', response: ' + response.kinvey);
    .catch(function(error) {
        console.log('Kinvey Ping Failed. Response: ' + error.description);

If the response just yields hello instead of hello app-name, please make sure you have configured your app. If the error yields This app backend not found, the app key and app secret you entered are incorrect.

Every App has an Active User

Your app will be used by a real-life human being. This person is represented by the Active User. This user object must explicitly be created, either with a username and password, OAuth sign-on (such as Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, etc.), or Mobile Identity Connect. See the User Guide for more information.

What's next

You are now ready to start building your awesome apps! Next we recommend diving into the User Guide or Data Store Guide to learn more about our service, or explore the sample apps to go straight to working projects.