API Reference


Class UserStore.Companion

  • com.kinvey.android.store.UserStore.Companion
  • Enclosing class:

    public static class UserStore.Companion
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void changePassword(java.lang.String password, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<?> client, KinveyUserManagementCallback callback) 
      <T extends User>
      convenience(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)
      Asynchronous Retrieve Metadata
      void destroy(boolean isHard, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.java.dto.BaseUser> client, KinveyUserDeleteCallback callback)
      Asynchronous request to destroy user from kinvey backend.
      void exists(java.lang.String username, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<?> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<java.lang.Boolean> callback) 
      void forgotUsername(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<?> client, java.lang.String email, KinveyUserManagementCallback callback)
      Asynchronous request to forgot username.
      <T extends User>
      get(java.lang.String userId, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<?> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback) 
      java.lang.String getACCESS_TOKEN() 
      void getMICAccessToken(java.lang.String token, java.lang.String clientId, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client)
      Posts for a MIC login Access token
      void getMICAccessToken(java.lang.String token, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client)
      java.lang.String getREFRESH_TOKEN() 
      <T extends User>
      login(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)
      Asynchronous request to login the implicit user.
      <T extends User>
      login(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String password, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)
      Asynchronous request to login with the existing user.
      <T extends User>
      login(com.kinvey.java.auth.Credential credential, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)
      Asynchronous request to login with kinvey Credential object.
      <T extends User>
      loginAuthLink(java.lang.String accessToken, java.lang.String refreshToken, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)
      Asynchronous request to login with login link.
      <T extends User>
      loginFacebook(java.lang.String accessToken, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)
      <T extends User>
      loginGoogle(java.lang.String accessToken, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)
      <T extends User>
      loginLinkedIn(java.lang.String accessToken, java.lang.String accessSecret, java.lang.String consumerKey, java.lang.String consumerSecret, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)
      <T extends User>
      loginMobileIdentity(java.lang.String accessToken, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)
      Asynchronous request to login with the MobileIdentity accessToken.
      <T extends User>
      loginSalesForce(java.lang.String accessToken, java.lang.String client_id, java.lang.String refreshToken, java.lang.String id, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)
      <T extends User>
      loginTwitter(java.lang.String accessToken, java.lang.String accessSecret, java.lang.String consumerKey, java.lang.String consumerSecret, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)
      void loginWithAuthorizationCodeAPI(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String redirectURI, KinveyUserCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)
      void loginWithAuthorizationCodeAPI(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String clientId, java.lang.String redirectURI, KinveyUserCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)
      void loginWithAuthorizationCodeLoginPage(Client<?> client, java.lang.String redirectURI, KinveyMICCallback<?> callback)
      void loginWithAuthorizationCodeLoginPage(Client<?> client, java.lang.String clientId, java.lang.String redirectURI, KinveyMICCallback<?> callback)
      void loginWithMIC(Client<?> client, java.lang.String clientId, java.lang.String redirectURI, KinveyMICCallback<?> callback) 
      <T extends User>
      loginWithMIC(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String clientId, KinveyUserCallback<T> callback) 
      void loginWithMIC(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String clientId, java.lang.String redirectURI, KinveyUserCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)
      void logout(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.java.dto.BaseUser> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<java.lang.Void> callback)
      Synchronous request to logout.
      void onOAuthCallbackReceived(android.content.Intent intent, java.lang.String clientId, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client)
      Used by the MIC login flow, this method should be called after a successful login in the onNewIntent Method of your activity. See the MIC guide for more information.
      void onOAuthCallbackRecieved(android.content.Intent intent, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client)
      void presentMICLoginActivity(Client<?> client, java.lang.String redirectURI, KinveyUserCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)
      void presentMICLoginActivity(Client<?> client, java.lang.String clientId, java.lang.String redirectURI, KinveyUserCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback) 
      void resetPassword(java.lang.String usernameOrEmail, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<?> client, KinveyUserManagementCallback callback) 
      void retrieve(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)
      Asynchronous Call to Retrieve (refresh) the current user
      <T extends User>
      retrieve(java.lang.String[] resolves, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)
      Asynchronous call to retrieve (refresh) the current user, and resolve KinveyReferences
      void retrieve(com.kinvey.java.Query query, java.lang.String[] resolves, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client, KinveyListCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)
      Asynchronous call to retrieve (refresh) the users by query, and resolve KinveyReferences
      void retrieve(com.kinvey.java.Query q, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client, KinveyListCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)
      Asynchronous Call to Retrieve users via a Query
      void retrieve(com.kinvey.java.Query query, java.lang.String[] resolves, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client, KinveyUserListCallback callback)
      void sendEmailConfirmation(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<?> client, KinveyUserManagementCallback callback)
      Asynchronous request to send email confirmation.
      void signUp(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)
      Asynchronous request to signUp.
      <T extends User>
      signUp(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, T user, com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client, com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback) 
    • Method Detail

      • getACCESS_TOKEN

        public java.lang.String getACCESS_TOKEN()
      • getREFRESH_TOKEN

        public java.lang.String getREFRESH_TOKEN()
      • signUp

        public void signUp(java.lang.String username,
                           java.lang.String password,
                           com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client,
                           com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)

        Asynchronous request to signUp.

        Creates an asynchronous request to create new User at the kinvey backend. If signUp was successful user will be login automatically. Uses to return a User.

        Sample Usage:

        username - String the userName of Kinvey user
        password - String the password of Kinvey user.
        client - class Client an instance of the client
        callback - the callback
      • signUp

        public <T extends User> void signUp(java.lang.String username,
                                            java.lang.String password,
                                            T user,
                                            com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client,
                                            com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)
      • login

        public <T extends User> void login(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client,
                                           com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)

        Asynchronous request to login the implicit user.

        Creates an asynchronous request to login at the kinvey backend. Login with the implicit user. If the implicit user does not exist, the user is created. After calling this method, the application should retrieve and store the userID using getId(). Uses to return a User.

        Sample Usage:

        client - class Client an instance of the client
        callback - the callback
      • login

        public <T extends User> void login(java.lang.String userId,
                                           java.lang.String password,
                                           com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client,
                                           com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)

        Asynchronous request to login with the existing user.

        Creates an asynchronous request to login new User at kinvey backend. Login with the with existing user. If user does not exist, returns a error response. Uses to return a User.

        Sample Usage:

        userId - String the userId of Kinvey user
        password - String the password of Kinvey user.
        client - class Client an instance of the client
        callback - the callback
      • loginFacebook

        public <T extends User> void loginFacebook(java.lang.String accessToken,
                                                   com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client,
                                                   com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)

        Asynchronous request to login with the Facebook application.

        Creates an asynchronous request to login with the Facebook accessToken. Before this request you must authorize in Facebook application and get Facebook access token. Uses to return a User.

        Sample Usage:

        accessToken - String the Facebook access token
        client - class Client an instance of the client
        callback - the callback
      • loginGoogle

        public <T extends User> void loginGoogle(java.lang.String accessToken,
                                                 com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client,
                                                 com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)

        Asynchronous request to login with the Google application.

        Creates an asynchronous request to login with the Google accessToken. Before this request you must authorize in Google application and get Google access token. Uses to return a User.

        Sample Usage:

        accessToken - String the Facebook access token
        client - class Client an instance of the client
        callback - the callback
      • loginTwitter

        public <T extends User> void loginTwitter(java.lang.String accessToken,
                                                  java.lang.String accessSecret,
                                                  java.lang.String consumerKey,
                                                  java.lang.String consumerSecret,
                                                  com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client,
                                                  com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)

        Asynchronous request to login with the Twitter application.

        Creates an asynchronous request to login with the Twitter. Before this request you must authorize in Twitter application and get Twitter accessToken, accessSecret,consumerKey and consumerSecret. Uses to return a User.

        Sample Usage:

        accessToken - String the Twitter access token
        accessSecret - String the Twitter accessSecret token
        consumerKey - String the Twitter consumerKey token
        consumerSecret - String the Twitter consumerSecret token
        client - class Client an instance of the client
        callback - the callback
      • loginLinkedIn

        public <T extends User> void loginLinkedIn(java.lang.String accessToken,
                                                   java.lang.String accessSecret,
                                                   java.lang.String consumerKey,
                                                   java.lang.String consumerSecret,
                                                   com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client,
                                                   com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)

        Asynchronous request to login with the LinkedIn application.

        Creates an asynchronous request to login with the LinkedIn. Before this request you must authorize in LinkedIn application and get LinkedIn accessToken, accessSecret,consumerKey and consumerSecret. Uses to return a User.

        Sample Usage:

        accessToken - String the LinkedIn access token
        accessSecret - String the LinkedIn accessSecret token
        consumerKey - String the LinkedIn consumerKey token
        consumerSecret - String the LinkedIn consumerSecret token
        client - class Client an instance of the client
        callback - the callback
      • loginAuthLink

        public <T extends User> void loginAuthLink(java.lang.String accessToken,
                                                   java.lang.String refreshToken,
                                                   com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client,
                                                   com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)

        Asynchronous request to login with login link.

        Creates an asynchronous request to login with login link. Uses to return a User.

        Sample Usage:

        accessToken - String the access token
        refreshToken - String the refresh token
        client - class Client an instance of the client
        callback - the callback
      • loginSalesForce

        public <T extends User> void loginSalesForce(java.lang.String accessToken,
                                                     java.lang.String client_id,
                                                     java.lang.String refreshToken,
                                                     java.lang.String id,
                                                     com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client,
                                                     com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)

        Asynchronous request to login with the SalesForce application.

        Creates an asynchronous request to login with the SalesForce. Before this request you must authorize in LinkedIn application and get SalesForce accessToken, client_id, refreshToken and id. Uses to return a User.

        Sample Usage:

        accessToken - String the SalesForce access token
        client_id - String the SalesForce client id
        refreshToken - String the SalesForce refresh token
        id - String the SalesForce id
        client - class Client an instance of the client
        callback - the callback
      • loginMobileIdentity

        public <T extends User> void loginMobileIdentity(java.lang.String accessToken,
                                                         com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client,
                                                         com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)

        Asynchronous request to login with the MobileIdentity accessToken.

        Creates an asynchronous request to login with the MobileIdentity accessToken. Uses to return a User.

        Sample Usage:

        accessToken - String the MobileIdentity access token
        client - class Client an instance of the client
        callback - the callback
      • login

        public <T extends User> void login(com.kinvey.java.auth.Credential credential,
                                           com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client,
                                           com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)

        Asynchronous request to login with kinvey Credential object.

        Creates an asynchronous request to login with kinvey Credential object. You can get Credential object from CredentialStorage, if user was logged before. Uses to return a User.

        Sample Usage:

        credential - Credential the credential of kinvey user
        client - class Client an instance of the client
        callback - the callback
      • logout

        public void logout(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.java.dto.BaseUser> client,
                           com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<java.lang.Void> callback)

        Synchronous request to logout.

        Creates an Synchronous request to logout. Storage will be cleared in this request. To keep data in storage need to call keepOfflineStorageOnLogout() before this method. Uses to return a User.

        Sample Usage:

        client - class Client an instance of the client
      • destroy

        public void destroy(boolean isHard,
                            com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.java.dto.BaseUser> client,
                            KinveyUserDeleteCallback callback)

        Asynchronous request to destroy user from kinvey backend.

        Creates an Asynchronous request to destroy user from kinvey backend. If isHard is true user will be deleted from kinvey backend. If isHard is false user will be disabled from kinvey backend, but it can be enabled again. Uses interface KinveyUserDeleteCallback to return a status of request execution.

        Sample Usage:

        isHard - flag for detect hard/soft deleting user
        client - class Client an instance of the client
        callback - interface KinveyUserDeleteCallback the callback
        See Also:
        interface KinveyUserDeleteCallback
      • resetPassword

        public void resetPassword(java.lang.String usernameOrEmail,
                                  com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<?> client,
                                  KinveyUserManagementCallback callback)
      • exists

        public void exists(java.lang.String username,
                           com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<?> client,
                           com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<java.lang.Boolean> callback)
      • changePassword

        public void changePassword(java.lang.String password,
                                   com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<?> client,
                                   KinveyUserManagementCallback callback)
      • get

        public <T extends User> void get(java.lang.String userId,
                                         com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<?> client,
                                         com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)
      • convenience

        public <T extends User> void convenience(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client,
                                                 com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)

        Asynchronous Retrieve Metadata

        Convenience method for retrieving user metadata and updating the current user with the metadata. Used when initializing the client.

        callback - KinveyUserCallback
      • retrieve

        public void retrieve(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client,
                             com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)

        Asynchronous Call to Retrieve (refresh) the current user

        Constructs an asynchronous request to refresh current user's data via the Kinvey back-end.

        Sample Usage:

        callback - containing a refreshed User instance.
        client - class Client an instance of the client
      • retrieve

        public <T extends User> void retrieve(java.lang.String[] resolves,
                                              com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client,
                                              com.kinvey.java.core.KinveyClientCallback<T> callback)

        Asynchronous call to retrieve (refresh) the current user, and resolve KinveyReferences

        Constructs an asynchronous request to refresh current user's data via the Kinvey back-end.

        Sample Usage:

        resolves - an array of json keys maintaining KinveyReferences to be resolved
        client - class Client an instance of the client
        callback - interface KinveyUserCallback containing refreshed user instance
      • retrieve

        public void retrieve(com.kinvey.java.Query query,
                             java.lang.String[] resolves,
                             com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client,
                             KinveyListCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)

        Asynchronous call to retrieve (refresh) the users by query, and resolve KinveyReferences

        Constructs an asynchronous request to retrieve User objects via a Query.

        Sample Usage:

        query - Query the query to execute defining users to return
        resolves - an array of json keys maintaining KinveyReferences to be resolved
        client - class Client an instance of the client
        callback - containing an array of queried users
      • retrieve

        public void retrieve(com.kinvey.java.Query q,
                             com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client,
                             KinveyListCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)

        Asynchronous Call to Retrieve users via a Query

        Constructs an asynchronous request to retrieve User objects via a Query.

        Sample Usage:

        q - Query the query to execute defining users to return
        client - class Client an instance of the client
        callback - for retrieved users
      • retrieve

        public void retrieve(com.kinvey.java.Query query,
                             java.lang.String[] resolves,
                             com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client,
                             KinveyUserListCallback callback)

        Asynchronous call to retrieve (refresh) the users by query, and resolve KinveyReferences

        Constructs an asynchronous request to retrieve User objects via a Query.

        Sample Usage:

        query - Query the query to execute defining users to return
        resolves - an array of json keys maintaining KinveyReferences to be resolved
        client - class Client an instance of the client
        callback - interface KinveyUserListCallback containing an array of queried users
      • loginWithAuthorizationCodeLoginPage

        public void loginWithAuthorizationCodeLoginPage(Client<?> client,
                                                        java.lang.String redirectURI,
                                                        KinveyMICCallback<?> callback)

        Login with the MIC service, using the oauth flow. This method provides a URL to render containing a login page.

        client - Client object
        redirectURI - redirectURI
        callback - KinveyMICCallback
      • loginWithAuthorizationCodeLoginPage

        public void loginWithAuthorizationCodeLoginPage(Client<?> client,
                                                        java.lang.String clientId,
                                                        java.lang.String redirectURI,
                                                        KinveyMICCallback<?> callback)

        Login with the MIC service, using the oauth flow. This method provides a URL to render containing a login page.

        redirectURI - redirectURI
        callback - KinveyMICCallback
      • loginWithMIC

        public void loginWithMIC(Client<?> client,
                                 java.lang.String clientId,
                                 java.lang.String redirectURI,
                                 KinveyMICCallback<?> callback)

        Login with the MIC service, using the oauth flow. This method provides a URL to render containing a login page.

        redirectURI - redirectURI
        callback - KinveyMICCallback
      • onOAuthCallbackReceived

        public void onOAuthCallbackReceived(android.content.Intent intent,
                                            java.lang.String clientId,
                                            com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client)

        Used by the MIC login flow, this method should be called after a successful login in the onNewIntent Method of your activity. See the MIC guide for more information.

        intent - The intent provided to the application from the redirect
        clientId - ClientId
        client - Client object
      • onOAuthCallbackRecieved

        public void onOAuthCallbackRecieved(android.content.Intent intent,
                                            com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client)

        Used by the MIC login flow, this method should be called after a successful login in the onNewIntent Method of your activity. See the MIC guide for more information.

        intent - The intent provided to the application from the redirect
      • loginWithAuthorizationCodeAPI

        public void loginWithAuthorizationCodeAPI(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client,
                                                  java.lang.String username,
                                                  java.lang.String password,
                                                  java.lang.String redirectURI,
                                                  KinveyUserCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)

        Login with the MIC service, using the oauth flow. This method provides direct login, without rending a login page.

        username - String the userName of Kinvey user
        password - String the password of Kinvey user.
        redirectURI - redirectURI
        callback - interface KinveyUserCallback
      • loginWithAuthorizationCodeAPI

        public void loginWithAuthorizationCodeAPI(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client,
                                                  java.lang.String username,
                                                  java.lang.String password,
                                                  java.lang.String clientId,
                                                  java.lang.String redirectURI,
                                                  KinveyUserCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)

        Login with the MIC service, using the oauth flow. This method provides direct login, without rending a login page.

        username - String the userName of Kinvey user
        password - String the password of Kinvey user.
        redirectURI - redirectURI
        callback - interface KinveyUserCallback
      • loginWithMIC

        public <T extends User> void loginWithMIC(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<T> client,
                                                  java.lang.String username,
                                                  java.lang.String password,
                                                  java.lang.String clientId,
                                                  KinveyUserCallback<T> callback)

        Login with the MIC service, using the resource owner grant flow.

        username - String the userName of Kinvey user
        password - String the password of Kinvey user.
        callback - interface KinveyUserCallback
      • loginWithMIC

        public void loginWithMIC(com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client,
                                 java.lang.String username,
                                 java.lang.String password,
                                 java.lang.String clientId,
                                 java.lang.String redirectURI,
                                 KinveyUserCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)

        Login with the MIC service, using the oauth flow. This method provides direct login, without rending a login page.

        username - String the userName of Kinvey user
        password - String the password of Kinvey user.
        redirectURI - redirectURI
        callback - interface KinveyUserCallback
      • getMICAccessToken

        public void getMICAccessToken(java.lang.String token,
                                      java.lang.String clientId,
                                      com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client)

        Posts for a MIC login Access token

        token - the access code returned from the MIC Auth service
        clientId - clientId
        client - Client object
      • getMICAccessToken

        public void getMICAccessToken(java.lang.String token,
                                      com.kinvey.java.AbstractClient<com.kinvey.android.model.User> client)

        Posts for a MIC login Access token

        token - the access code returned from the MIC Auth service
        client - Client object
      • presentMICLoginActivity

        public void presentMICLoginActivity(Client<?> client,
                                            java.lang.String redirectURI,
                                            KinveyUserCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)

        Initiate the MIC login flow with an Activity containing a Webview

        client - Client object
        redirectURI - redirectURI
        callback - callback
      • presentMICLoginActivity

        public void presentMICLoginActivity(Client<?> client,
                                            java.lang.String clientId,
                                            java.lang.String redirectURI,
                                            KinveyUserCallback<com.kinvey.android.model.User> callback)

        Initiate the MIC login flow with an Activity containing a Webview

        client - Client object
        clientId - clientId
        redirectURI - redirectURI
        callback - callback