The underlying data records in Op Intel have the following types:
for request made from clients to Kinvey.dlc
for requests made from Kinvey to a configured Data Link
for records of execution of Business Logic scripts.fsr
for records of execution of internal Flex services.rapid
for logs between RAPID and the system of record.baas-auth
for MIC logs.The following fields are internal and appear on every record type.
Field Name | Type | Explanation | Sample value |
@timestamp | Timestamp | The timestamp of the record, transformed to the local timezone. | November 30th 2015, 08:34:48.195 |
@version | Text | The internal version of the record | 1 |
_id | Text | Op Intel entry Id | "AVFYmlrITZ2kShm7pFRJ" |
_source | Text | Op Intel entry | {large JSON object} |
type | Text | The type of the log entry. Can be one of the supported Op Intel types. | baas |
Data record of type baas
corresponds to a request made from a client to Kinvey.
Field Name | Type | Explanation | Sample value |
appName | Text | The app name | Book Reviews |
environmentName | Text | The environment name | Production |
collection | Text | The collection name | books |
credentialsUsed | Text | The credentials used to authenticate the request | user |
kinveyEnvironment | Text | The environment id for this request | kid_A1bCdeF3g |
method | Text | The HTTP request method | GET |
url | Text | The path of the url being requested, urlencoded | /appdata/kid_A1bCdeF3g/books/?query=%7B%22Category%22%3A%22Action%22%7D |
query | Text | The HTTP query string | {"Category":"Action"} |
statusCode | Number | The HTTP response code | 200 |
requestHeaders | Object | A set of key value pairs representing the HTTP request headers | {large JSON object} |
requestHeaders.user-agent | Text | The user agent of the client | android-kinvey-http/2.9.5 |
requestHeaders.x-kinvey-api-version | Text | The Kinvey API version requested | 3 |
requestHeaders.x-kinvey-custom-request-properties | Text | Custom properties attached to the request | {"token":"196998cb"} |
requestHeaders.x-kinvey-device-information | Text | Detailed device info | samsung/SM-T230NU Android 4.4.2 196998cb-9ea2-3762-aeb5-670afe0d8b43 |
responseHeaders | Object | A set of key value pairs representing the HTTP response headers | |
responseHeaders.content-type | Text | The content type of the HTTP response | application/json; charset=utf-8 |
responseHeaders.content-length | Number | The content length of the HTTP response | 348 |
responseHeaders.x-kinvey-api-version | Text | The Kinvey API version used | 3 |
responseHeaders.x-kinvey-executed-collection-hooks | Text | A comma-separated list of executed Kinvey hooks | Post-Fetch |
clientIP | Text | The IP address of the client | |
kinveyAPI | Text | The API type of the request - one of (user, ping, appdata) | appdata |
requestDuration | Number | The duration of the request, in milliseconds | 36 |
requestId | Text | A unique request Id, generated by Kinvey | 19b24ebb61c547709303ec04018d9a72 |
outgoingTimestamp | Timestamp | The internal record timestamp | 2015-11-30T13:34:35.386Z |
Logs of type baas
also contain a set of fields that geolocate the client making the request.
Field Name | Type | Explanation | Sample value |
geoip | Object | The location of the client | {large JSON object} |
geoip.area_code | Number | Area code | 610 |
geoip.city_name | Text | City name | Catasauqua |
geoip.continent_code | Text | Full country name | NA |
geoip.country_code2 | Text | Country code 2 | US |
geoip.country_code3 | Text | Country code 3 | USA |
geoip.country_name | Text | Full country name | United States |
geoip.dma_code | Number | DMA code | 504 |
geoip.ip | Text | The IP Address that is geolocated | |
geoip.latitude | Number | Latitude | 40.65629999999999 |
geoip.longitude | Number | Longitude | -75.4661 |
geoip.location | Coordinates | The IP Address that is geolocated | [-75.4661, 40.65629999999999] |
geoip.region_name | Text | Region name | PA |
geoip.postal_code | Text | Postal code | 18032 |
geoip.real_region_name | Text | Complete region name | Pennsylvania |
geoip.timezone | Text | Timezone | America/New_York |
Data record of type dlc
corresponds to a request from Kinvey to configured Data Link Connector.
Field Name | Data Type | Explanation | Examples |
kinveyEnvironment | Text | The environment id for this request | kid_A1bCdeF3g |
method | Text | The HTTP request method | GET |
url | Text | The path of the url being requested, urlencoded | |
query | Text | The HTTP query string | {"Category":"Action"} |
statusCode | Number | The HTTP response code | 200 |
requestHeaders | Object | A set of key value pairs representing the HTTP request headers | {large JSON object} |
requestHeaders.content-type | Text | The Kinvey API version requested | application/json |
requestHeaders.user-agent | Text | The user agent of the client | android-kinvey-http/2.9.5 |
requestHeaders.x-kinvey-custom-request-properties | Text | Custom properties attached to the request | {"token":"196998cb"} |
requestHeaders.x-auth-key | Cleared | The key used to authenticate the DLC request | <cleared> |
requestHeaders.X-Kinvey-Request-Id | Text | A unique request Id, generated by Kinvey | 630214c3237f490dae5bb6fea44981cd |
requestBody | Cleared | The body of the HTTP request | <cleared> |
responseHeaders | Object | A set of key value pairs representing the HTTP response headers | {large JSON object} |
responseBody | Cleared | The body of the HTTP response | <cleared> |
requestDuration | Number | The duration of the request, in milliseconds | 517.068 |
requestId | Text | A unique request Id, generated by Kinvey | 630214c3237f490dae5bb6fea44981cd |
timestamp | Timestamp | The internal record timestamp | 2015-11-30T13:34:35.386Z |
Records of type bl
correspond to an execution of a Business Logic script.
Field Name | Data Type | Explanation | Examples |
collection | Text | The name of the collection or Custom Endpoint | books or sendNotifications |
kinveyEnvironment | Text | The environment id for this request | kid_A1bCdeF3g |
requestId | Text | A unique Id covering all processing within Kinvey | 630214c3237f490dae5bb6fea44981cd |
result | Text | The result from the script call. | SUCCESS or an error structure |
targetFunction | Text | The outer function for this script | onPostFetch or onRequest (for Custom Endpoints) |
taskId | Text | A unique Id covering the script call | d98c950810bf4c71adbaffa87b981c62 |
totalTaskTime | Number | The duration of the script call, in milliseconds | 619 |
Records of type fsr
correspond to an execution of a Flex service that runs on the FlexService Runtime (FSR), also known as an internal Flex service.
Field Name | Data Type | Explanation | Examples |
appName | Text | The name of the app to which the Flex service is connected. | MyConverter |
applicationId | Text | The ID of the app to which the Flex service is connected. | 58e96d74ec134ee2935702954348ff00 |
kinveyEnvironment | Text | The App Key of the app environment | kid_A1bCdeF3g |
requestId | Text | An ID uniquely identifying the request while processing. | 630214c3237f490dae5bb6fea44981cd |
result | Text | The result from the Flex code execution. | SUCCESS or an error structure |
serviceObjectName | Text | The name of the Flex service object. | Books |
totalTaskTime | Number | The duration of the Flex service execution, in milliseconds. | 619 |
taskId | Text | An ID uniquely identifying the Flex code execution. | d98c950810bf4c71adbaffa87b981c62 |
taskType | Text | Always set to businessLogic . | businessLogic |
Logs of type rapid
contain information for requests between RAPID and the system of record.
Field Name | Data Type | Explanation | Examples |
appName | Text | The app name | Book Reviews |
applicationId | Text | A unique Id for the app | 5e23a6a262e147b6a64690867aa4c942 |
authType | Text | The type of authentication used for this request | None, ServiceAccount, MIC |
connectorType | Text | The type of connector used for this request | rest, salesforce, saprfc |
host | Text | The host this request went to | https |
method | Text | The method used for this request | get, post |
query | Text | The query used for this reuest | {"Category":"Action"} |
entityId | Text | The ID of the entity requested | 123 |
environmentName | Text | The environment name | Production |
kinveyEnvironment | Text | The environment id for this request | kid_A1bCdeF3g |
operation | Text | The operation performed against the service object | insert, getCountByQuery |
requestDuration | Number | The duration of the request, in milliseconds | 517.068 |
requestEntity | Text | The stringified JSON for any entity passed, usually on insert/update. | {} |
requestId | Text | A unique Id covering all processing within Kinvey | 630214c3237f490dae5bb6fea44981cd |
responseBody | Text | The body of the response returned from the system of record | {} |
responseLength | Number | The length of body returned from the system of record | 146 |
serviceObjectName | Text | The name of the service object | partners, accounts |
sourceObject | Text | An connector-specific set of properties of the request made to the system of record | {} |
status | Number | A status code returned from the system of record, adapted to HTTP sematics | 200, 500 |
Logs of type baas-auth
contain information for request between MIC and clients, and also include the common geolocation fields
Field Name | Data Type | Explanation | Examples |
apiVersion | Number | The MIC API version | 3 |
clientIP | Text | The IP address of the client | |
method | Text | The method used for this request | GET, POST |
query | Text | The query string used for this request (needs x-kinvey-force-debug-log-querystring:true) | {} |
requestBody | Text | The request body (for login requires x-kinvey-force-debug-log-credentials:true) | {} |
applicationId | Text | A unique Id for the app | 5e23a6a262e147b6a64690867aa4c942 |
appName | Text | The app name | Book Reviews |
kinveyEnvironment | Text | The environment id for this request | kid_A1bCdeF3g |
environmentName | Text | The environment name | Production |
requestDuration | Number | The duration of the request, in milliseconds | 517.068 |
requestHeaders.authorization | Text | Request authorization header (requires x-kinvey-force-debug-log-credentials:true) | Authorization: * |
requestHeaders.user-agent | Text | The client user-agent header | Appcelerator Titanium/3.4.0 (LG-H815; Android API Level: 23; en-GB;) |
requestHeaders.x-kinvey-device-information | Text | Kinvey library provided string including device information | unknown/Android_SDK_built_for_x86 Android 6.0 f9d09a25-560f-3e50-a60e-549bf6d18353 |
requestHeaders.x-kinvey-force-debug-log-credentials | Text | A header to enable debug logging of credentials | true |
requestHeaders.x-kinvey-force-debug-log-querystring | Text | A header to enable debug logging for query strings | true |
requestId | Text | A unique Id covering all processing within Kinvey | 630214c3237f490dae5bb6fea44981cd |
responseBody | Text | The response body returned to the client, cleared by default | <cleared> |
sessionId | Text | A session Id encompassing the full method-specific flow between the client and MIC | 4pO4ypIISAJ7CZKGtJLifRqv_db6EdL5 |
statusCode | Number | The HTTP response code | 200 |
url | Text | The path of the url being requested, urlencoded | /oauth/validate |
You can use Operational Intelligence to track custom events. Custom events can be triggered from any part of the application code with a single method call. They are designed specifically to address multi-view scenarios and are best used for tracking events that are specific to the business use case.
A custom event is modeled along a custom endpoint, which is created in Kinvey's Management Console. Storing an event is as easy as posting to the endpoint, and the event automatically appears in Operational Intelligence, where the full set of charting dashboarding features are available to aggregate the events.